On re-opening the clinic, we will recommence health precautions introduced prior to closing.
• Practitioners will clean the door handles, desk and chair more frequently and wash hands thoroughly before and after interacting with clients.
• Practitioners will have a gap between clients to ensure that there is no waiting around of clients before treatment. There will also be only one therapist and one client together at the clinic at any one time.
• We ask that everyone goes immediately to the bathroom and wash their hands thoroughly when entering the clinic. The front door will be open so there will be no need to use the door handle to enter. After washing your hands, you will be able to progress to the treatment room.
• Therapists will use antiseptic spray to clean all surfaces and change linen between clients.
• We also ask that you bring your own water bottle. Drinking cups will be available for those who forget. Unfortunately there will be no tea service from Manami at the moment.
• We have also setup a hand sanitiser station at the front door for your convenience.
We are dedicated to flattening the curve and ensuring you continue to have access to our wellness practice.
I am very happy to support you physical and mental health.
If you feel unwell, have a fever, cough or are sneezing, we please ask that you stay at home and contact your local GP.
Be kind to your body and it will be kind to you.
Studio Mana